Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tough Choices For Your Business


If you want to profit from direct marketing, and in particular Internet marketing, you need to build a list of "opt in" folks that want to hear from you.

I have an e-book on Internet marketing that includes a couple of months of lessons, and it gets me a bit larger list. Those that like what I write, and enjoy all that free information, may learn that they can trust my recommendations. That is good for me and for them.

Those that don't like my writing "opt out."

I have also just found a group of products offered by an experienced and successful direct marketer that are honestly far more powerful than my single e-book.

That presents me with two problems, to recommend his product firstly, and to build his list secondly. Not my list, his list.

Here is the best solution I can come up with since I know my Internet marketing e-book also has value.

Absolutely get his products - they are almost free - they are very professional - they can make you a lot of money.

Consider getting my e-book also. It is free - follow the course and you will learn the Internet marketing business.

For your own sake get them both, but sadly, if you only get one - get his.



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