Saturday, October 01, 2005

Technocracy or Netcohort Society


when we talk of Netcohort and a Netcohort Society Are we discussing a techocracy?

Probably not.

With the Netcohort we are describing the new upper middle class of the emerging information driven society.

As the guilds of the middle age were replaced by the more vibrant middle class of the industrial revolution so today's middle class is now being replaced by the Small and nimble teams of the Netcohort. Constant learning and personal integrity are the hallmarks of successful netcohort individuals and groups. Information technology teams are aligning in a fluid way with other teams in what may become a Netcohort Society.

With the Netcohort Society we are describing a society dominated by the new upper middle class knowledge worker.

With the inception of the industrial age the moribund trade guilds were doomed by increasing economies of scale. This new age also contributed to the creation of a skilled middle class worker. We have entered a similar period, in reverse. The middle class is now doomed as technology and robotics replace repetitious manual tasks. This time large institutions propelled into existence by industrial age centralization will die or morph into the smaller, more efficient networks demanded by the information age.

The emerging information and miniaturization age will create a replacement for the middle class: customer centric knowledge workers attuned to each clients specific needs. This new netcohort will exist in a reputation based society dominated by those that continually learn, communicate, and accomplish. An existing netcohort contingent already works as small protean associations within the transformational structure of the rising information based society.

Technocracy to H. G. Wells definition, a society run by the technological elite is a possibility. A technocracy where everything is run by a super computer is highly unlikely. A supercomputer in our lifetime will have human programmers, and would then fit under the first definition.

What we envision is a more fluid environment. Governments will still exist, although on a smaller and weaker basis. The small teams of netcohort individuals will join and separate for specific projects, and create wealth wherever they develop ideas. We would expect nations, or perhaps city states, to bid for their presence much as Ireland has used tax incentives to lure industry.

"By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others." - Bastiat

This netcohort is exemplified by technology developers that carry their wealth in their heads. If they have a good reputation for integrity, knowledge, adaptability, and creativity they are wanted for many projects. Just as these knowledge workers can state their terms to corporations now, in the future temporary netcohort teams will be able to shape parts of their world.

If that is a technocracy, it may very well happen.

If Poland knows they can have a silicon valley tomorrow, do you think they will make a very good offer to a team of tech heavy weights?

(Do you think any degrees these netcohort heavy weights have or don't have will make a difference? Will they care if Bill Gates finished his degree?)


P. S. I'm willing to set up the 50 year no tax / minimal bureaucracy zone if a country wants to start today. Better than a zone would be a whole country. Better than 50 years would be a permanent libertarian constitution. Why wait for someone else to be first?


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